Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Workout Thursday 15 July 2010

Weighted pull up 3/3/3/3/3

5 rounds for time
Advanced, 5 weighted pull ups at 65% today's strength Pr
                  15 Handstand push ups
                  30 double unders

Intermediate: 5 strict pull ups
                      15 handstand push ups
                      30 double unders

Beginner: 5 Horizontal rows
                 15 handstand push ups
                 30 double unders

Intermediate and Beginners can use piked handstand push ups. If you simply can not do double unders you may substitute with tuck jumps, knees coming up in front to the chest not tucked below your butt

All levels finish with handstand work


  1. Pull Up 75/85/90
    WOD 9:36

    Good workout, nothing too spectacular but I enjoyed it

  2. It was pretty fantastic. I liked it.

    I got up to 15lbs on my pull ups, got 20lbs up twice, then failed on the last go.

    My time for the WOD was 12:05. I'm happy with that.
