Sunday, July 4, 2010

Workout Monday 05 July 2010

 Virtual Shovelling!

Back squat 5/5/5

30/25/20/15/10/5 reps of
Virtual shoveling over a 24" box
push ups

Advanced: M45lb/F25lb plate
Intermediate: M35/F10+2.5lb plates
Beginner: M25/F45lb bar

Set up a 24" box and go to it. You must touch both sides of the box for each rep. Each pass must be over the box not in front of the box.

This one makes me giddy!

All levels finish with one minute planche work


  1. I didn't do the "shoveling"... I have dance tonight.....

    174 a new PR for 5! WOOT

  2. Back Squat
    5 pound Pr today, still had an extra 5 pounds in the tank for next time! :)

    13:45 as Rx'd.
    That's a six minute and eight second PR!

  3. BS 45/55/65

    Time was 11:03 with "girl" push-ups.
