Monday, May 31, 2010

Workout Tuesday 01 June 2010

A young Sage Burgener and her Father Coach B demonstrating the hang power snatch

Hang Power Snatch 3/3/3/3/3

Again this is skill work. Only go as heavy as you can do with absolutely perfect form

12-9-6 reps of
Sump Deadlift High Pull
Weighted Ring Dips

Loading: Advanced:  SDHP, M135/f80
                                         Ring Dip, M40/FBodyweight

                       Intermediate: SDHP, M95/F55
                                              Ring Dip, M, Bodyweight/FRing push Ups
                       Beginner: SDHP, M65/35
                                        M, Ring Push up/F, Push ups

All level finish with Planche work

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oh that's how he did it! :P

Workout Monday 31 May 2010

Squat 5/5/5

Complete as many rounds in 9 minutes as possible of:

Advanced: 7 Box Jumps, M24"/F20"
                  7 KB/DB Swings, M70lbs/F45 pounds

Intermediate: 7 Box Jumps, M24"/F20"
                      7 Swings, M55lbs/F35lbs

Beginner: 7 Box Jumps, M16"/F12"
                 7 Swings, M40lbs/F25lbs

For the Beginners, this is meant to be a short heavy WOD so don't sell yourself short on the loading. If the prescribed Box jumps are still too high than put it to a height that you can make but can't just bounce up and down. I want it to be high enough that you have to load up before every jump.

All Levels,  standards are as follows.....
Box Jumps:  Entire foot lands on the box, including heels, with every rep or the rep doesn't count. Stand up at on top of the box fully opening the hips, then you can step back down if you so choose. It is also acceptable to jump back off of the box as long as you open your hips all the way before your feet break plane with the box on the way back down.

DB/KB Swings:  Arms are to be fully locked out overhead with the ears visible in front of the arms at the top of the swing.

Give it Hell!


Sundays. Even cavemen rest!

Trying out a new template for the bog here. With the previous one all of my videos were limited to a certain size so they would all get the right side cut off. This template is more simple but it doesn't limit the size of my videos and pics. As always, feedback would be appreciated.

A couple of videos I stole from Crossfit Park City

First here's a video on the butterfly kip

I believe that Chris Spealler (who is featured in this video) is quite possible the best pound for pound athlete in all of CrossFit.

Now let's lighten things up a bit. Can you pick out all the bad habits here?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Workout Saturday 29 MAy 2010

Power Clean 5/5/5
Done From the floor, Catch in a quarter squat (3/4 of the way up) or above. If you have to use smaller plates pull from a box so the bar is approximately regulation height or approximately the same height as if you were using regulation 45 pound plates

5 Rounds for time:
7 clean and jerk
10 tuck jump burpees

Loading is 75% of your one rep max clean and jerk. If you don't know what that is then use 90% of your 5 rep max from today's strength WOD. Cleans are FULL SQUAT CLEANS. Push jerks or split jerks are acceptable but the bar must be at full extension with your ear visible in front of your arm for the rep to count.

We are a strength biased program with a heavy emphasis put on gymnastics for conditioning. Don't be afraid to go heavy and use FULL RANGE OF MOTION. That is how we get stronger. Don't sacrifice form for times. The better you do the movements, the stronger you will get and the better your times will become. Trust the programming and the results will come.

Finish today's workout with one minute accumulated front ever work
 The goal is to eventually be able to do a full front lever

For the time being we will work on tuck lever progressions :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Workout Friday 28 May 2010

Skill Work
Hang Squat Snatch 3/3/3/3/3

Work up to about 85% of your 3 rep max or a weight that you can do with perfect form but is still challenging. This is only skill work so go easy.

Advanced: Run 400m
                  50 Pull ups/50 Push ups/50 Squats
                  Run 400m
                  50 Pull ups/50 Push ups/50 Squats
                  Run 400m
                  50 Pull ups/50 Push ups/50 Squats
                  Run 400m

Intermediate: Run 400m
                      30 Pull ups/30 Push ups/30 Squats
                      Run 400m
                      30 Pull ups/30 Push ups/30 Squats
                      Run 400m
                      30 Pull ups/30 Push ups/30 Squats
                      Run 400m

Beginner: 3 Rounds of
                Run 400m
                20 push ups/20 Jumping Pull ups/20 Squats

For beginners: Push ups can be done from the knees if needed, Jumping pull ups are done from a bar about 6 inches below max reach. Go deep in your squats.

All levels finish with handstand practice.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Workout Thursday 27 May 2010

Weighted Pull up

3 Rounds for Time
Advanced: 15 Dumbbell Snatch Right arm (M55/F35)
                  15 Dumbbell Snatch left arm
                  21 L-Pull ups

Intermediate: 15 Dumbbell Snatch Right arm (M40/F25)
                      15 Dumbbell Snatch Left arm
                      12  Muscle up rows with feet elevated

Do your muscle up rows with your heels up on a box a little bit higher than you are comfortable

Beginner: 12 Dumbbell Snatch Right arm (M30/F20)
                 12 Dumbbell Snatch Left arm
                 15 Horizontal Rows

When doing horizontal rows, lay on your back with a bar at arms length above your chest. Pull your chest up to the bar as best you can.

All levels Finish with one minute work on Planche progressions

Monday, May 24, 2010

Workout Tuesday 25 May 2010

A tidbit from

Proper set up for the deadlift: Natural lumbar curve, hips higher than the knees, shoulders in front of the bar, weight on the heels.

Skill Work 
Snatch Grip High pulls, 5x3 at 65% of your 1RM for snatch.

If you don't know what your one rep max is don't worry about it. Use a weight that you can feel but you can do with absolutely perfect form for every rep. The goal is skill work not max effort. Start from the floor and pull to your chin. Jump high, be explosive

3 rounds for time:
Advanced: 15 second L-sit on Parallettes
                   Run 400m
                   30 wall ball (M20/F16)

Intermediate: 15 second tuck L on rings
                       Run 400m
                       30 Wall Ball (M16/F12)

Beginner: 10 second Tuck L-hang from pull-up bar
                 Run 400m
                 30 Wall Ball (M12/F8)

If you have to break up your L-sit/Hang than do it but complete the prescribed amount of time before moving on to your run. When you do your Wall Ball.... ROM ROM ROM.  Get that ass down.

Finish with one minute Front lever work. On the bar or rings, it's up to you.
"There is an exactness in movements, not just because of predetermined competition standards but because there is greater adaptation when the athlete uses a full range of motion. Each movement deepens the neuromuscular pathway of muscle memory. Do something wrong and you get better at doing it wrong; do it right and you become more competitive" -Robert Ord, Brass Ring CrossFit

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monday 24 May 2010

Crossfit "Diane"
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand Push Ups

Advanced: Men, 225 pounds
                   Ladies, 145 pounds

Intermediate: Men, 185 pounds
                       Ladies, 125 pounds

Beginner: Men, 135 pounds
                 Ladies, 95 pounds

Do regular or piked handstand push ups as needed

Finish with planche practice.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Saturday 22 May 2010

21-15-9 reps of:
Kettlebell swings
Muscle ups

Advanced: Men, 2 pood KB or 70 lb dumbbell
                   Ladies, 45 pound dumbbell  

Intermediate: Men 1.5 pood KB, or 55 lb DB
                       Ladies 1 pood KB or 35 pound DB

Beginner: Men 1 pood KB, or 35 lb DB
                 Ladies 25 lb DB

  • If you can not yet do muscle ups then do muscle up rows and ring dips
  • Beginners can do horizontal rows in the smith machine and push ups scaled as needed
  • If you do not have rings but are so badass that you can do muscle ups no problem then, do bar muscle ups, if you try one tomorrow and fail then you are doing 63 - 45 - 27 reps for pull ups and dips instead of MU's along with the regular prescribed reps for KB swings
  • :P

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Workout Friday 21 May 2010

five sets of three reps (5x3) at 80% of your one rep max

Prairie oyster  (the worlds best hangover cure)
max rounds in 12 minutes of:
 5 handstand push ups
10 jumping lunges
10 pull ups

Modify as needed with piked handstand push ups and jumping pull ups. This one will shake up what ever's left in your belly ;)

Finish with front lever practice.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Workout Thursday 20 May 2010

Muscle Snatch
5x3 (five rounds of three repititions) @ 65 % of your 1 rep max snatch
This is for practice so keep your form as good as possible and don't overdo it.

5 Rounds for time
5 ground to overhead
10 burpees

Males: Advanced, 155 pounds
            Intermediate, 135 pounds
            beginner, 95 pounds

Ladies: Advanced, 100 pounds
             intermediate, 75 pounds
             beginner, 55 pounds

This is not supposed to be easy, go big!

Finish with planche work, eat recover, get strong!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Workout Tuesday 18 MAy 2010

Bench Press

"CrossFit Annie"
50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:

 Finish with one minute Total work on Front Lever
If you can't yet do front levers or tuck levers do 5x5 knees to elbows

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Workout Monday 17 May 2010

Skill work:
Hanging Snatch grip high pull 5x5, @ 65% of your hanging power clean 1 rep max

Complete five sets of five reps.  Gripping the bar with hands wide, dip down and explode upwards as if doing a hanging snatch, only the bar only goes up to your chin and returns back to the original position (same as elbows high and outside in the Bergener warm up). Make sure the bar stays close to your body and travels in as straight a line as possible. This is to practice explosive motion from the hips so jump high and don't use your arms to pull.

Complete  as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of:
7 overhead squats
10 burpees

Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 4 cycles.

Males: Advanced, 115 pounds
            Intermediate, 95 pounds
            Beginner, 65 pounds

Ladies: Advanced, 65 pounds
             Intermediate, 55 pounds
             Beginner, 45 pounds

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Workout Saturday 15 May 2010

Back Squat 21 reps
Take a weight that is the most you feel you can do for 21 reps consecutively and push through the burn. One set, don't give up

12/9/6/ reps of
Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Advanced: Males use 135 pounds/Females use 85 pounds
Intermediate: Males use 115 pounds/Females use 65 pounds
Beginner Males use 95 pounds/Females use 45 Pounds

This one's heavy but short so Bring It!

Make sure to go deep on your Thrusters. Treat like an explosive front squat and break parallel.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Workout Friday 14 May 2010


Complete 10 rounds for time
Advanced: 10 Ring dips
                  10 chest to bar pull ups

Intermediate: 10 ring push ups
                      10 Kipping pull ups

Beginner: 10 push ups
                 10 Jumping Pull ups

Pay strict attention to getting full Range of motion (ROM)
On the ring dips the chest comes below your elbows, on the ring push ups and floor push ups, the chest comes in line with your hands.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Workout Thursday 13 May 2010

Hang Power Clean

3 Rounds for time
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

Advanced: Males 135, Females 85
Intermediate: Males115, Females 65
Novice: Males 85, females 45

Don't underestimate yourself here, but don't do anything stupid either  choose a weight that's approximately 75% of your max weight from today's strength workout

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Rest day

Take it easy, you have earned a day off.

Relax, Practice your breathing for at least fifteen minutes every day. I like to practice in the shower because that is the time I am most relaxed and at peace.

Take it easy on yourself. You have been working hard you deserve a rest outside and in. Resolve to not let anything bother you for an entire day. View everything as if your an outsider simply observing as you are passing through, You might learn something about yourself.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Workout Tuesday 11 April 2010

No scaling for today's workout. Plug through it as best you can it's short but painful

Weighted Pull ups:
Find your one rep max

3 Rounds For Time:
Row 500m
25 Burpees

Finish with one minute total work on Planche

Of course most of us have to work up to this by starting of with learning how to do tuck planches
 Or by starting off with Frog stands

Start where you feel most comfortable and stick with it for six weeks and re-test to see how you have progressed.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Workout Monday 10 May 2010

5 Rounds for time

Advanced: 5 Muscle ups
                  10 Power cleans (135m/85f)
                  Run 400 meters

Intermdiate: 10 Pull ups
                     5 Ring dips
                     7 Power cleans (115m/65f)
                     Run 400 meters

Beginner: 10 ring rows
                 5 ring push ups
                 7 Power Cleans (95m/45f)
                 Run 400 meters

I have started posting scaling options if you haven't already noticed.  The workouts I posted in the past were intended to be done as Rx'd by top level athletes and scaled down accordingly to each person's abilities. The only problem is that I realize that many people aren't sure how to scale properly. Here I am now going to post scaling options designed to help people progress through the levels. They are not carved in stone, if you can handle the advanced weight but have difficulty with particular movements then feel free to do the advanced weights with the intermediate movements, and so forth. Don't be afraid to push yourself you may find you can do a little bit more than you thought initially.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Workout Saturday 8 May 2010

Deadlift 5/3/1/1/1

Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes as possible:

5 handstand push ups
10 knees to elbows
20 jumping lunges, alternating legs with each jump.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Workout Friday 7 May 2010

3 rounds for time:

21 Dumbbell Snatch Right arm (40m,20f)
15 knees to elbows
21 Dumbbell Snatch Left arm
15 knees to elbows


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Workout Thursday 6 May 2010

Push Jerk 5/3/1/1/1

7 Rounds for time:
7 Thrusters (95m/65f)
7 Pull ups

Finish with 7 rounds of 7 seconds of L-sit. Use parallettes if available or hex dumbbells because they don't roll away.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Workout Tuesday 4 April 2010

5 Rounds for time:
7 Clean and Jerk (m135, f85)
10 Tuck Jump Burpees

Finish with one minute Front Lever

All cleans are full squat clean so the mar must be caught with the crease of your hip below the top of your kneecap. Jerks must be to full extension with the ear visible in front of the arms. Don't skimp on the form for a better time or you will only be doing yourself a disservice.  Proper form and full ROM. because we want to get stronger.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Workout Monday 3 April 2010

Shoulder Press 5/3/1/1/1

3 Rounds for time
Run 800 meters
50 back extentions
50 sit ups

Finish with a minute total work on L- sit.

when I say to do a minute total work on a particular hold. I want you to take the total amount of time you can spend in the hold and divide it by two. That means if you can hold an L-sit for 20 seconds, then you would do six sets of 10 seconds. If you can hold it for 10 seconds, then you do 12 sets of five seconds.