Monday, May 31, 2010

Workout Tuesday 01 June 2010

A young Sage Burgener and her Father Coach B demonstrating the hang power snatch

Hang Power Snatch 3/3/3/3/3

Again this is skill work. Only go as heavy as you can do with absolutely perfect form

12-9-6 reps of
Sump Deadlift High Pull
Weighted Ring Dips

Loading: Advanced:  SDHP, M135/f80
                                         Ring Dip, M40/FBodyweight

                       Intermediate: SDHP, M95/F55
                                              Ring Dip, M, Bodyweight/FRing push Ups
                       Beginner: SDHP, M65/35
                                        M, Ring Push up/F, Push ups

All level finish with Planche work


  1. Hang Power Snatch -30lbs

    SDHP - 30lbs (they don't have 35lb bars at my gym), push ups. Time was approx 5 mins...I didn't use my stop watch.

    ++1.25hrs of yoga after...I'm seriously hurting today! Stairs are not my friend.

  2. I hope are paying attention to recovery, I don't want you to burn out. You are doin good and it's good to see you're back on the workouts! :)

  3. Wow, we are all in the same time grouping, this is amazing.
    My time was 5:20 @ 65lbs SDHP , body weight ring dips. I had to jump into them by the last run of it.

  4. Yup...holy was I glad for a rest day yesterday. Ready to go this morning!!
