Sunday, July 11, 2010

Workout Monday 12 July 2010

Obviously Devin "Big Beef" Dancey really enjoys ring training. Way to go Devin!

Deadlift 3/3/3/3/3

Stand up in between each repetition to reset your lift. While deadlifting in set of multiple reps, the first rep is always the most difficult because your form always becomes More efficient as you move through the set. Your hips pull from higher and your weight moves back onto your heels. For this reason we are going to do each pull as if it is a "first pull". You may find this lowers your weight by a few pounds but it will greatly increase your one rep max over time.

Remember, lumbar curve, shoulders over top of the bar and push through your heels.

2008 crossfit games Deadlift/Burpee WOD
5 rounds for time of:
Advanced: 5 Deadlifts, M275/F185
                  10 Burpees

Intermediate: 5 Deadlifts, M225/F135
                      10 Burpees

Beginner: 5 Deadlifts, M185/F95
                 10 Burpees

For the WOD you do NOT have to reset in between reps. Grab the bar, set your back and shoulders and pull like hell.

All levels finish with one minute Planche


  1. 185/195/205/210/215PR

    8 min 1 sec. Advance.

  2. wanted to add this:
    2008 I did this work out @ 135lbs. 135lbs was the most I ever deadlifted, it was my max . It took me over 25 min (I can't remember, it may be like 30min) and it was the biggest accomplishment I ever had with a work out.
    It was the day I understood the deadlift .

    Today I did the same work out at 50lbs more weight and 20 or more minutes less.

    Holy geebers ! I have to say I am pretty proud with all the blood ,sweat and tears I have put in the last 2 years.

    Thank you Joey!

  3. You're welcome megz. It feels great to see the improvement that people make on the program. Especially my wife.

    Deadlift 275/295/315/335/345
    WOD 4:43 @ 275lbs I did this one in 2008. I don't have that log book with me but I know I took around 7:30

  4. Ok, so this day I started out trying my deadlift at 65lbs but my knees were hurting so much (and had been for two days - maybe the air pressure from impending rain) so I decided I should give them a break and subbed a work-out I made up to take the pressure off:

    3 rounds of 500m row, 10 GH Sit-ups, 10 Bench Dips
    Time was 13:18
