Thursday, July 1, 2010

Workout 02 July 2010

Chris Spealler instructing on ring dip progressions. Spealler is held by many t be the best pound for pound crossfitter in the world and I don't disagree

Snatch grip high pull 5/5/5

3 rounds for time
 Advanced:  Row 500m
                    7 sumo deadlift high pull(M135/F95)
                    15 ring dips
Intermediate: Row 500m
                      7 SDHP(M115/F65)
                      15 dips
 Beginner: Row 500m
                 7 SDHP(M95/F45)
                 15 bench dips

All levels finish with one minute front lever work

Here's a video of me doing Thursday's workout. I'm going to make an effort to get some work out vids of my own to post. If anybody cares to make some vids or pick of themselves or their friends for me to post I would appreciate it greatly


  1. Awesome video!!!! I feel more confident of what I was doing after watching you :). Good job man!

  2. Time: 12:05 w/ 40lbs SDHP

    Snatch HP was 20/30/40

  3. I didn't do todays. I did yesterdays. Good thing I had the choice , the bars were being used!

  4. Snatch pull: 135/145/155

    probably could have gone heavier but then my form starts to go

    WOD: 10:43 I thought I'd be a smart ass and do my SDHP at 155. tried one rep after rowing and promptly took off the tens :P

    Thanks Danielle I'm going to try to put vids of me and my crew regularly but if you can make some vids of yourself or anybody you might work out with and send them in I'd love to post them
