Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day four with out any caffeine.

So I am on day four without any caffeine. Just a personal experiment to see if my overall energy levels improve if I cut out stimulants. Overall, today I felt great. Day one was pretty terrible, I had a major headache all day and I felt like I just couldn't wake up at all. Day four was better, I was super tired and had less of a headache. My workout was pretty sad too. Day three things were looking up. I had much more even energy but crashed totally at about 6:00pm. Today is day four. Much better energy all day. My mood has improved dramatically. I noticed that I don't have and feelings of tension that I used to get randomly. I've been calm and relaxed but still energetic and my workout was pretty good. My sleep has been steadily improving over the past few nights as well.

WOD Thursday 17 March 2011

Beginner/Intermediate: Deadlift 3/3/3

Advanced: 5/3/1 Deadlift

Complete as many rounds in seven minutes as possible
7 Dumbbell swings
7 Box jumps

Swings: M70, 55 or 35lbs
              F35, 25 or 15 pounds
Box jumps: M24, 20 or 16 inches
                    F20, 16 or 12 inches

I am competing this Saturday at Crossfit Kinetics this Saturday. It's the first workout in a series of six workouts. One workout a week for six weeks. I'll be starting at 1:00. Come out and cheer me on.

1 comment:

  1. deadlift: 310 x 10
    Conditioning: 11 rounds + 7 Swings at 70lbs and 24 inch box jumps
