Monday, August 16, 2010

WOD Tuesday 17 August 2010

Anybody who tells you you shouldn't squat below parallel has no idea what they are talking about and has no business dispensing workout advice. Here is proof that deep squats are a perfectly natural movement. We are born with proper mechanics and it is only through a lifetime of developing bad habits that we have to re-learn proper lifting posture

Planche 3x5 
From your hands and knees, place your hands on the floor and press into the best planche you can do. For pretty much all of us we will barely get our knees off the floor. Lift, try to hold for a second or two and try to lower under control back down. Don't worry if it doesn't look pretty. We just want to teach the required muscles to contract.

squat 3x5 add 5 pounds to last time

5 rounds for time of:
Advanced: 10 dumbbell jump squats, M45/F30
                   15 back extensions
                   20 pull ups

Intermediate: 10 DB jump squat, M35/F20
                       15 back extensions
                       20 pull ups

Beginner: 5 DB Jump squat, M20/F10
                 10 back extensions
                 15 jumping pull ups

For Dumbbell jump squats, Hold a dumbbell in each hand, squat down with proper squat form until the dumbbells just pass mid shin. Then JUMP!

All levels finish with 10 kick to handstands. Use a wall if needed and try to hold each handstand for a minimum of 2 seconds each. If you're doing freestanding without a wall then try to hold each as long as possible. 


  1. Back Squat 235x5x3

    WOD 8:00 Loved it!

  2. 155lbs for my back squat

    WOD 13:06 - advanced, holy flip ouch and <3.
