Friday, August 27, 2010

WOD Saturday 28 Aug 2010

I want to make sure you are doing the calculation correctly for the 5/3/1. If you know what you one rep max is then subtract 10%. this is the number we will be taking our calculations from for the workouts.
So... if you squat 300,  90% of 300 is 270. Therefore I based my numbers off of 270lbs. So squat day of week one for me should look like
175 x 5 (65%)
205 x 5 (75%)
230 x 5 at least (85%)

If you don't know what your one rep max is here is a formula that will give a good estimate

Weight lifted x reps completed x 0.0333 + weigh lifted

Now for the workout

Play Day!!!

We've been working ourselves really hard for a while now so tomorrow should be a little bit easier.

Here are your options.....

1)Work on your gymnastic skills

2)Work on your Olympic lifting skills

3)Practice something you hate and are terrible at

4)Put all three together and make a terrible wod

Post what you did in the comments section


  1. I did Thursdays Skill/Strength and conditioning :
    Deadlitfs x 5: 145/165/195, I got 7 reps for 195.

    My time for the WOD was 10:38 Ouch.

  2. I did Friday's workout.
    For press I did 85/100/115x10 It doesn't look like a ton of weight compared to my actual 5 rep max, but I trust in the program
    Conditioning: 14:40 this one was a ton of fun! I think it will have to come up again someday
