Sunday, August 15, 2010

WOD Monday 16 August 2010

Coach Glassman teaches the push press

Snatch, 2 reps every minute for seven minutes @ 80% of your best 3rm (Best means best form not heaviest)

Strict pull up, three sets to max reps

3 rounds for time of:
run 400m
15 push press
Use 90% of your shoulder press 1rm (1 rep max)

All levels finish with 10 bridge wall walks. Stand with you back to the wall and your feet about three feet from the wall. Lean backwards and using the wall, walk your hands down the wall as close to the floor as you can. Try to walk your hands all the way down until you are doing a real bridge. Then walk your hands back up the wall and repeat.

unlike this person, do try to keep your head off the floor


  1. I still love Nicole, she's so little and fit!

  2. 45 bar for my snatch - not a lot, but it's what I got ot do for my re-learning of the movement.

    My time for the WOD was 9:58 using 80lbs. I was in the mood to sweat, it made me sweat.

  3. SNATCH: 100 pounds even. Low weight but this was all about form

    STRICT PULL UP: 27/22/16
    Pretty much exactly the same as last time but I weigh about ten pounds more.

    WOD 11:20 with 135 pound push press
