Thursday, August 5, 2010

WOD Friday 06 Aug 2010

Watch how these athletes pull from the floor. When doing Olympic lifts like snatch and clean, competitive athletes drop their hips and pull with their torso in a more vertical position. This Allows for a more aggressive pop with the hips at the top of the pull.

Snatch 3/3/3/3/3
Before you add weight you have to be able to do all three reps with perfect form. If all three don't look exactly the same do it again with the same weight or back off on the weight. Post the highest weight you can do with out loosing perfect form

Three rounds for time:
Advanced: row 500m
                  30 dumbbell swings, M70/F45
                  21 pull ups

Intermediate: row 500m
                      30 swings, M55/F35
                      21 pull ups

Beginner: row 500m
                21 swings, M35/F20
                15 jumping pull ups

All levels finish with handstand work

1 comment:

  1. I stayed extremely modest with my strength. I have never really practiced this movement as it makes me nervous doing it at the Y.
    SO I studied the video and this what I did.
    45/45/55/55/55 I have lifted more before , but my form was utter crap. So, I am re-learning it.

    The cond. was a bitch 22 min 45 sec. Phew and ouch!
    I used 40lbs, 45 was just a slap in the face.
    Tough W/O, but a goodie.
