Wednesday, August 11, 2010

WOD Thursday 12 Aug 2010

 Meghan "Asteroid abs" Lajoie Gettin'er done in the ASU this summer

Planche 3x5
move with control into the best planche you can do and come under control back down. Rest one second and repeat

Power Clean 3/3/3/3/3
You must be able to do three perfect reps that all look identical before moving up in weight

9/6/3 reps for time:
Advanced/Intermediate: Power clean and jerk,  85% 3rm
                                       Weighted pull up,  85% 5rm

Beginner: Power clean and jerk 80% 3rm
                 Strict pull up

If you can't yet do strict pull ups, do jumping pull ups with 3 second negatives (or as close as possible)


  1. "6 mins" but 3o seconds of that was answering a lady's questions..... sigh

  2. Power Clean 155/165/175/180/185
    Form started to go at 185

    WOD: 7:57 with 155lb clean and jerk and 65lb pull up
