Thursday, August 26, 2010

WOD Friday 27 August 2010

Planche one minute total work

5/3/1 week one
Press set one, 5 reps at 65%
              set two, 5 reps at 75%
              set three, 5 reps + at 85%

10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 reps of

Advanced: Kettlebell/Dumbbell swing. M70/F40
                  GHD sit up
                  Muscle up
Intermediate: Swing, M55/F30
                      GHD sit up
                      muscle up row
Beginner: Swing, M35/F20
                 GHD Sit up
                 horizontal row
                 push up

All levels finish with 10 kick up to handstands


  1. 60/70/80 - couldn't get passed five, I think I should lighten it up a little.

    20:06 Pheeeew, used 40lbs but did rows.

  2. if 80 is your 5 rep max, that puts 90 as your one rep max. your working one rep max is 80 so today's workout should look like 50/60/70 remember we base our workouts off of our WORKING one rep max, which is 90% of our actual one rep max
