Friday, June 4, 2010

You did it!

Ok so tomorrow is out last heavy short crazy day and I'm leaving it up to you. This is your chance to pick your favorite workout. You can put together your favorite two or three exercises or you can go back and pick out your favorite workout. It can be anything you want but there are a couple of rules.

1) It has to be with no less that 75% of your one rep max for each lift.
2) Scale up the weights so scale down the reps, no more than 30 reps of each heavy lift
3) Keep it below ten minutes, ideally around five.
4) Compound movements. You can group it with sprints, jumps, pull ups or any high intensity exercise but include at least one major compound heavy lift. ie; Squat, Deadlift, Sumo deadlift high pull, Thruster, Clean, Power clean, Snatch etc. But keep it HEAVY and SHORT.

Post workouts, loads and times. I want to know what and how you all did.


  1. If you need any ideas, I will be doing...

    10 Hanging power cleans @ 84% of my 1rm (155lbs)
    7 Muscle ups

    I wanted to do Snatches because I need to work on them and I have been making great progress in that them, but my shoulder has been torn apart from all the heavy overheads this week and I feel an injury coming on if I don't let it be. Oh well tomorrow sounds to me like a "getting in over my head" kind of workout. :)

  2. I did :
    10 back squat 135lbs
    7 hand stand push ups.

    my time 4:21!!

    The WOD I got this from was
    20 back squat (95lb)
    20 handstand push ups. My time for that was 16:55. I don't know if that means anything.. :)

    Joey, this design is fantastic. I have been noticing beautiful strength results. xoxo
