Thursday, June 24, 2010

Workout Friday 25 June 2010

It is always good to take some time to work on the fundamental areas that we are weak on. The kipping pull is one of the most basic movements that form the CrossFit foundation. In this video 2008 games winner Jason Khalipa offers some kipping pull up advice

Today you have a couple of options

Option 1
Warm up,
Spend 30 minutes working on a movement you are terrible at,
Run an easy 5 k

Option 2
Warm up,
Spend 30 minutes working on a move you are terrible at
Spend 20 minutes practicing movements you love

We take it easy tomorrow because on Saturday we are going to benchmark some of our major lifts. We're going to see how well the hybrid programming is working for us and hopefully set some impressive new PR's.  

So I expect nobody will be taking Saturday off the gym


  1. :( I'm going to be in Montreal moving Michel's stuff out of his apartment wahhhh!

  2. I ran to my favorite place up the many hills from my house. I walked around the lake and looked at the stream then ran back home. I don't think it was 5k, but it was hard on the calves!

    Before this, I focused on my breathing and did some stretching. I was super stiff.

  3. I ran up the river, then I ran down the river.
    It was fun, a beautiful day, and the perfect setting for some active recovery. :)
