Monday, June 28, 2010

Workout Tuesday 29 June 2010

Coach Mike Burgener. Look him up, get to know him he has an entire library of videos on youtube. I can type until my fingers turn blue and I'll never convey a fraction of the expertise that can be gained from five minutes of watching him speak

Snatch 3/3/3/3/3

3 rounds for time:
Advanced/Intermediate: 5 Snatches @ 85% of today's strength max lift
                                          7 Overhead squats with same weight
                                          15 toes to bar (intermediate do knees to elbows)
                                          21 pull ups

Beginner: 5 snatches @ 85%
                 5 overhead squats with same weight
                10 hanging knee raises
                15 jumping pull ups

Finish with one minute front lever

Tips 1)If you catch your last snatch of each round in a full squat, then standing up counts as your first overhead squat
       2)Learn how to do kipping knees to elbows



  1. Sadly I was unable to do this workout today. I have been having crazy numbing sensation in my right arm. I practiced my snatch and could barely feel the bar in my grip. A feeling that made me nervous.
    I worked on my stretches and some holds.

    le sigh

  2. Snatches: 115/125/135/140/145*fail

    WOD: 7:59 with 120 pound snatch/OHS and toes to bar

    The best thing I can say about this WOD is "Grip Murder!"

  3. i hate the snatch but practice makes perfect, and i need a lot of practice.

  4. Yup, I definitely need help with my form!

    Snatches: 20/30/45/45/45 - just couldn't get higher :(

    WOD: 13:51 Snatch at 30lbs, OH Squats at 20lbs
    Another annoying wait for the gravitron...15 jumping wasn't happening. I think I can do 3 consecutive atm >_<

  5. I'd rather see you place yourself up higher Danielle so that you have less of a jump. It will translate to better improvement in your wods than waiting for the gravitron.

    Good numbers on the snatches though. They are arguably the most difficult barbell exercise to do. Mark Rippetoe says that "the olympic snatch is gymnastics with a barbell"

  6. Ok, Thanks Joey, I'll try to set up the steps next time :)
