Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wednesday 01 June 2011

Planche progression

Deadlift 1 rep max

Beginner, 8x200m sprints with 2 minute rest in between
Intermediate, 10x200m sprints with 2 minute rest in between
Advanced, 12x200m sprints with 2 minute rest in between

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Monday 30 May 2011

Squat Snatch 5/5/5/5/5

9 - 7 - 5 reps of:
Advanced: muscle up
                   Squat Snatch, M135/F95
Intermediate: Muscle up Row into ring dip
                      squat Snatch @ 90% 5rep max
Beginner: Horizontal row
                 Bench Dip
                 Squat Snatch @ 85% 5 rep max 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sunday 29 May 2011

Shoulder Press 5/3/111

3 rounds for max reps
one minute power clean and jerk, M95/F65
One minute double unders

All levels try to do the Rx'd weights and movements. If this is heavy or double unders are hard, suck it up and go with a low score, then see how much you improve next time.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Saturday 29 May 2011

Back squat 1 rep max
use as many sets as required to get there

2011 Crossfit games regional workout 1
Run 1000 Meters
30 Handstand push ups
row 1000m

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thursday 26 May 2011

Handstand work  5 minutes practice

Advanced weighted pull up 5/5/5/5/5
Beginner Horizontal row 3 sets for max reps
  • Rest as needed between sets

Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as possible
Beginner 5 muscle up rows
               10 hanging power snatch
               15 sit ups
Advanced 5 muscle ups
                 10 Hanging power snatch
                 15 ab mat sit ups
Use a folded up towel or sweater if you don't have an ab mat.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Front lever One minute one minute aggregate work

5 rounds for time
15 second L-sit (L-hang for beginner)
3, 20 yard shuttle runs
30 Wall ball

After each shuttle run you rest while walking back to the start line but make it quick

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday 24 May 2011

In a squat clean you catch the bar in a full squat before standing all the way up

Planche 5 min to practice
Deadlift 5 rep max

3 rounds for time
7 Squat cleans @ 75% one rep max power clean
50 Double unders

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday 22 May 2011

Handstand work 5 minutes practice
Pull ups 3x max reps

For time:
50 pull ups
40 box jumps M20"/F14"
30 Burpees
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, M95/F65
30 DB swings, M70/F35
40 knees to elbows
50 Double unders

Friday, May 20, 2011

Saturday 21 May 2011

anadian Forces Private Colin Wilmot, 24, of Fredericton, New Brunswick, assigned to the Second Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI) Battle Group, based out of Edmonton, Alberta, died on July 6, 2008 from wounds suffered when an explosive device detonated near him in the Panjwali District of Afghanistan. He is survived by his fiancee Laura, father Eric Craig, and sister Kathleen.
one minute aggregate work, stop the timer every time you need to rest
Power Clean
5/5/5/5/5 Only put the weight up when all 5 reps look identical. Don't go all out here enforce good mechanics and save some for the Hero WOD

Advanced: 6 rounds for time
                   50 squats
                   25 ring dips
Intermediate: 5 rounds for time
                       50 squats
                       25 Bar dips
Beginner: 4 rounds for time
                 30 Squats
                 15 Bench dips

This one is for one of my fellow medics who died doing what they loved. Give it your all for Him and for me. I will be for him and for you all, this one hits close to home.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday 20 May 2011

Front Lever 5 minutes practice

Bench Press 3/3/3/3/3
Push Press 5/5/5/5/5
Push Jerk 10/10/10

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rest day

Today is a rest day. Take it off and recover.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Planche progression
Back Squat 3/3/3/3/3

5 Rounds
row one minute at max intensity
Rest 2 minutes

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Handstand work one full minute of total time spent upside down.

3 rounds of:
21 thrusters
21 Pull ups
rest exactly 3 minutes between each round. The goal is to go unbroken on all three rounds.

Thrusters: Advanced, M95/F65
                 Intermediate, M65/F45
                 Beginner, M45/F30

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Monday 16 March 2011

Front Lever, 5 minutes of practice
Bench Press 3/3/3/3/3

5 rounds for time
15 Overhead squats, M95/F55
30 Double unders

Go deep and finish with handstand practice, get one minute of total time spent upside down

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunday 15 May 2011


Gawd I love rest days!

I have started a training log of my own workouts. Click the link to Caveman Training if you want to see what I do.

All in all this has bee a great week for me. I managed to hit 2 strength PRs and match one that I haven't hit in years!

WOD Thursday 12 May 2011

Front lever one minute cumulative work

Press 5/3/1/1/1
I did -95x5
        -155x1 Extremely happy about this. I haven't put up my bodyweight on SP since I first switched to CrossFit from traditional bodybuilding

One hour endurance run,
This is one hour of steady state endurance training. Keep it to a pace that is manageable. The goal is not to push past aerobic training do don't push past where you have control of your form and breathing.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Planche Progression
Deadlift 3/3/3/3/3

10 rounds
Sprint 200m as fast as possible, Time each round individually.
Rest time is as long as you need to be able to complete each interval in the same amount of time. The goal is to figure out exactly the amount of rest needed to get the same output each round.

If there is a large hill nearby run up that.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday 13 May 2011

So I have to apologize. Blogger was down for the past two days so I had no way to post the workouts.
In case you still want to do today's workout, Here is what I did today.....

Front lever Progression

5 rounds for time
run 400m
21 sumo deadlift high pull, M95/F65
21 pull ups

My time was 19:44 Holy intense!

Monday, May 9, 2011

WOD Tuesday 10 May 2011

Push jerk

Weighted pull up

High intensity intervals on bike
Jump on a spinning bike, set the damper to an easy resistance. Warm up for two minutes. Then do seven rounds of one minute at max intensity followed by one minute of recovery at 50%. Try to increase the resistance for your work intervals.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

WOD Monday 09 May 2011

Front lever progression 5 minutes of practice
-5x pull to full lever and lower under control
-3x 10second advanced tuck lever hold
-Felt good so I did 2x5 freestanding handstand push up

Five rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters, M95/F65lbs
15 Bar-facing burpees

-15:11 Need to work on thruster form. I felt a little bit loose at the bottom so I had less power coming out. First set of 15 thrusters unbroken, did in 5's after that. should have been able to do all sets unbroken that's my goal.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

WOD Sunday 08 May 2011

Plank Progression 5 minutes of work
-I did 5x5seconds of advanced tuck planche

Back Squat 3/3/3/3/3
I have been really working on starting from scratch on my squat and going ass 2 ankles. I find I can't do nearly as much this way which is frustrating but it will only make me stronger.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Box jump, M24/F20"
Power snatch, M75/F55 (Scale if needed)
Chest to bar Pull-up, do jumping c2b if needed but get your chest to the bar.

7:46 not too bad. I'm pretty happy with this I did all my sets unbroken except for the pull ups I did in sets of ten. I don't know why I broke it up though. Sure it hurt but I'm sure I could have kept going. I took a little bit longer than needed going going from station to station.

Good points
-Breathing is getting better
-Box jumps are improving
-Form didn't break down as much with fatigue

Points to improve
-Breathing is getting better, still needs work
-less rest between stations
-Must go unbroken on c2b pull ups

Thursday, May 5, 2011

WOD Friday 05 MAy 2011

4 Rounds....
run 800m, rest as needed between rounds, time each round individually

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

WOD Wednesday 0 May 2011

Front Squat

Complete as many rounds in three minutes as possible of
15 Power snatch
25 double unders
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for three cycles

Males use 65lbs
Ladies use 45lbs

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

WOD Wednesday 02 May 2011

I have decided that it's high time I take a week off. I haven't taken a full week off in a very long time and my body says it's time. But if anybody still follows the page I'm still going to Post WODs.

From CrossFit.com
Three year old Jeremy Bloniasz lost his life in a tragic accident
Thursday, July 6, 2006. To Jeremy's parents, Kelly and Jeremy, the
entire CrossFit family offers our deepest sorrow.

21-15-9 Reps of
Overhead squat, M95/F65

If you can't do as Rx'd scale the weight as needed. If you think you can't do as Rx'd give it your best shot anyway.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tuesday 03 May 2011

Rest Day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

WOD Monday 02 March 2011

Power clean 3/3/3/3/3

3 rounds for time
Run 800m
21 Sumo deadlift High pull

Loading: Advanced, M95/F65
                Intermediate, M75/F55
                Beginner, M55/F45

Cash out with 2 minutes aggregate plank. Try to do the whole 2 minutes unbroken straight through.

Sunday 01 May 2011

Not for time
Run 5k
Swim 1k