Sunday, July 18, 2010

Workout 19 July 2010

Back Squat 3/3/3/3/3

3 rounds for time:
 10 overhead squats,
  50 double unders

Advanced: M135/F85lb Overhead squat
Intermediate: M115/F65lbs
Beginner: M75/F35lbs

All levels finish with one minute L-sit


  1. Squat 250/260/270 I could have done 275 but I quit while I was ahead. 5 pound PR

    WOD 4:40 with 135 pound OHS.
    Damn Speal did this one in 2:39 I guess that's why he got third at Aromas. Good job Spealler!

  2. 180lbs was my max.. I failed embarrassingly on 185 , I just kept going down. I think my mind was not on the lift. D*oh.

    8:22 was my time.

  3. I missed this one too being out of town...and I have to say I'm not too sad about that :P stupid double-unders LOL

    PS Meg there's nothing embarrassing about not making 185. 180 is effing heavy!
