Sunday, January 23, 2011

A detailed description of how to get into Wendler's 5/3/1 can be found here. Don't forget that if you are starting a new month add 5 pounds to your working one rep max bench and shoulder press and 10 pounds to your squat and deadlift

3 rounds for time
10 Deadlifts @ 80% of your current working one rep max
50 double unders


  1. Really great video Joey! I've still been having a lot of trouble getting the double under, but I'm going to try again tomorrow keeping these tips in mind :)

  2. Thanks D. We all need to drill our weak points every day. Double unders seem to be an issue with all of us

  3. 8:08 on this one for me. I bit it on my double unders and babied my back with the deadlifts. I think it's about time I stop worrying about re hurting my back so much. It is getting very strong these days
