Sunday, November 21, 2010

WOD Monday 22 November 2010

Power clean and jerk
 Only increase the weight if all five reps from the previous set were technically sound. Think of this more as form drills and a part of your warm up than a max effort.

5/3/1 Squat
A detailed description of how to get into Wendler's 5/3/1 can be found here. Don't forget that if you are starting a new month add 5 pounds to your working one rep max bench and shoulder press and 10 pounds to your squat and deadlift

3 rounds for time of:
3, 20 yard shuttle runs
21 wall ball, 10' target

For the shuttle run set up 2 markers, 10 yards apart and stand in the center. Sprint out 5 yards and touch the first, turn and sprint back 10 yards and touch the second before turning back and sprinting back across the center line. This equals one shuttle run. Walk back to the center and begin again for a total of three shuttle runs per round. 5 yards = 15 feet

Wall ball: Males use 20, 16 or 14 pound ball
                 Females use 16, 14 or 10 pound ball

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