Sunday, October 3, 2010

WOD Monday 04 October 2010

5/3/1 Squat
If week one: Set one, 65% x 5
                     Set two, 75% x 5
                     Set three, 85% x 5+

If week two: Set one, 70% x 3
                     Set two, 80% x 3
                     Set three, 90% x 3+

If week three: Set one, 75% x 5
                       Set two, 85% x 3
                       Set three, 95% x 1+

If week four, deload: Set one, 45% x 5
                                  Set two, 55% x 5
                                  Set three, 65% x 5 (stop at 5)

A detailed description of how to get into Wendler's 5/3/1 can be found here. Don't forget that if you are starting a new month add 5 pounds to your working one rep max bench and shoulder press and 10 pounds to your squat and deadlift

3 rounds for time of:
100 ft walking lunge
50 squats
25 back extentions

Squats in the conditioning part are air squats so don't add weight
Finish the workout with ten bridges


  1. hey its me. my legs feel like jello finished in 10:50 was hoping for sub 10 but it was a good one.

  2. yeah we're both in lots of pain it's 2 days later and everything sucks

  3. MY LEGS ARE STILL JELLO!!! I can't sit down . . . if I drop something (which I do a lot) I get sad because I know the pain it will be to get it!!

    My time was 11:57 - you beat me!!

  4. yup, this WOD killed us time was 12:46. And I had to make up a burpee day that day, so I had just done 43 burpees. ugh.
