Sunday, October 17, 2010

WOD Monday 18 October 2010

5/3/1 Squat
If week one: Set one, 65% x 5
                     Set two, 75% x 5
                     Set three, 85% x 5+

If week two: Set one, 70% x 3
                     Set two, 80% x 3
                     Set three, 90% x 3+

If week three: Set one, 75% x 5
                       Set two, 85% x 3
                       Set three, 95% x 1+

If week four, deload: Set one, 45% x 5
                                  Set two, 55% x 5
                                  Set three, 65% x 5 (stop at 5)

A detailed description of how to get into Wendler's 5/3/1 can be found here. Don't forget that if you are starting a new month add 5 pounds to your working one rep max bench and shoulder press and 10 pounds to your squat and deadlift

7 Rounds for time
10 wall ball, 10' target
10 med ball slams

Use a 20, 16 or 12 pound ball

Compare to Sun 01 August 2010 and let me know how you did


  1. See post on Friday's WOD for what I did today. Sadly we can't do wall balls at our ymca.

    Did I mention that my sis is doing these WODs with me?

  2. That's great news D! It's good to see you posting, sorry there are no med balls at your Y, I'll have to find you a substitute workout for you to do.

  3. 5:58!
    2 minutes off my last time!! <3
