Wednesday, August 18, 2010

WOD Thursday 19 Agust 2010

Super Kid!

Front lever one minute total work
Hang power clean and jerk 3/3/3

3 rounds for time of:
Advanced/Intermediate: 10 hang power cleans at 85% 3 rep max
                                        15 handstand push ups (piked if needed)
                                        20 knees to elbows

Beginner: 7 Hang power cleans at 80% 3 rep max
                 10 Piked handstand push ups, with feet or knees on bench as needed
                 12 hanging leg raises, or knee raises as needed

All levels finish with 10 bridge wall walks. Stand with your back to the wall and your feet about three feet from the wall. Bend backwards as far as you can and use the walk to walk your hands down as close to the floor as possible. The key is to get all the way down into a bridge


  1. We're going to have kids that can do that!!!

  2. I was a bit paranoid about my back today. I hate recovering from injuries.

    HPC&J 175/185/190*fail
    There is no reason why I should have failed here. I was just too paranoid about my back

    WOD 8:47 I'm happy with how I did here
