Friday, August 20, 2010

WOD Saturday 21 August 2010

Shirts off Saturdays!

Let's see what Hero WOD are we going to do today...

In honor of Army Staff Sergeant Joshua Whitaker, 23, of Long Beach, CA who was killed in Afghanistan May 15th, 2007.
3 rounds for time:

Advanced: M40/F25lb Dumbbell squat snatch, 21 reps Right arm
                   21 L-pull ups
                   M40/F25lb Dumbbell squat snatch, 21 reps left arm
                   21 L-pull ups

Intermediate: M30/F20lb Dumbbell squat snatch, 21 reps Right arm
                      15 tuck L-Pull ups
                     M30/F20lb Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps Left arm
                     15 Tuck L-Pull ups

Beginner: M20/F8lb Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps Right arm
                  10 Jumping pull up with L-Hang negative
                 M20/F8lb Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps Left Arm
                 10 Jumping Pull ups with L-Hang negative

*Beginners* Do your jumping pull ups and do an L-sit or tuck L-sit at the top and hold it while lowering yourself slowly back down under control.


  1. I mixed advanced and beginner.....
    I used 25 lbs and did 21 jumping L pull ups. I thought I was going to die.
    My mind wasn't in the game at all, I felt weak and poweless. But even with that feeling, I was able to do this Hero in 18min 58 sec.

    I was so frustrated at one point, I kicked the box I used to jump into my pull-up, then I got mad for letting my head get the better of me, then I laughed.
